Thursday, December 29, 2011


Follow Me on Pinterest Pin It So I have always been one to HATE New Years resolutions. I used to feel it was a way to just let yourself down. If there is something you have a problem with, go out and fix it. As my Mom would say do not put off what you know you can do today, for what you think you can do tomorrow. Except the problems in my mind were not that easy to fix. There was no magic wrench or pill for my problems.

There were so many years I would make the resolution of I am going to lose 100lbs this year. I will do it. I have to do it. I'll find love if I do it. I will be able to love myself when it does happen.

One year my friend and I even made a vow on a bible (like totally wrote on the inside cover with our oaths hahaha) vowing we were going to the gym 7 days a week. Eating nothing but meat and cheese aka Atkins and push towards what the Atkins author wrote as a NWOL a New Way Of Life. It started off good, we passed the nauseating two week period surviving on eggs, chicken and lettuce that's what our minimum wage salary could allow. We DROVE the one mile to the gym, pretended we knew what we were doing. Walked the treadmill and lifted a few weights at my Aunt's studio after it had closed because HELLO who wants to work out when there are a ton of fit people around?? LOL!! Well it didn't last too long lets say ummm til February. Then I was back to hating my body again along with praying to God that this fat joke was over. I Came out even madder at myself for failing...ONCE AGAIN. That was 2002, the end of believing in New Years Resolutions.

Sure of course I have had goals in between, but they weren't for me.  After the marriage to the most wonderful man in 2003 and the births of our daughters in 03 and 05 my goals revolved around their success. I put myself in the background and took on everyones needs but my own, which does not lead to a happy wife or mother. I was so slumped in a depression and couldn't stand to even look at myself in the mirror. My husband could not understand how I was unable to see what he saw when he looked at me.

Then something clicked* slowly and surely I came around to a normal frame of mind, with the love and guidance of my hubby, true family that believed in me and the hearts of my amazing girlfriends. I learned to believe in myself. Its amazing how much love you can put out towards others when you feel so good inside!!

I started Weight Watchers in October, I have lost 20 lbs since inception, I have had slip ups but the most important thing I have learned is to just pick up where I have left off. My goal this time is not to be Kate Moss, but to be healthy for life. Choosing healthier foods, moving more and most importantly loving myself and embracing life in the now.

I will be starting my New Year with resolutions for the first time in 10 years. Not unreachable ones but obtainable goals that will better my life. Our family has a lot of changes this year ahead and with the chaos of raising two young girls, working full-time, being a wife and supporter to my husband and his new business. I am setting a goal...right here and now.

I will not lose myself. I will make time for me, I will allow myself to have selfish moments. I will accept any failures and push forward with a positive heart. I will continue to strive towards self love and body acceptance.

I am asking all of you out there reading to send me some feedback. I want to hear about your goals, dreams and resolutions or your standpoint on New Years resolutions. If you do not want to publicly post a comment here, feel free to email me at

I look forward to sharing this journey with you all and hearing all about yours.


Much Love,


P.S. Be on the lookout for OOTW...Its a good one!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Follow Me on Pinterest Pin It Here goes a HUGE secret of mine.

I LOVE SPANX...There I said it...I am in love with layers of spandex that shape and smooth and make me feel amazing.

All because of this woman right here.

As seen here on Oprah

This woman is a genius!! Who is this you ask?? Sara Blakely that's who!! Through her invention of Spanx undergarment line she has allowed women and men (that's right men love them too) of all sizes to be able to feel amazing under their clothes. Her designs smooth your shape to allow that little black dress to flow just right and your jeans that smooth look.

I truly believe that in order to feel good in clothes the most important step is what we put on first. Starting with bra's that fit right, no sagging boobs, torpedo's or the infamous back cleavage from a bra that is way too tight, even better the twin muffin tops from a cup to small. The best gift as a woman you can give yourself is a properly fitting bra. Yes, ladies that means having someone fit you!! Most stores out there have an assigned bra fitter, just ask if you are not sure.

I buy my bras from Lane Bryant. I wear a 42DDD so in general its hard for me to find a good fitting bra so when I do I always hit up their Semi-annual Buy 2 get 2 free bra sale which is actually taking place now until January 16th!!

Since discovering LB dating back to my senior year in high school, I have bought all my bras there AND I will admit to a slight addiction to my bras...You can never have enough right?? Anyways...I buy these for my everyday wear and these for when I need a smaller strap. They are both comfortable and totally lift and separate.

I have been asked many times where I  find a strapless bra that actually works, well after much failure, aka paying 90 bucks for a bra that made me look like I was Madonna from her Blonde Ambition tour back in the 80's yeah you know the one!! I found the PERFECT strapless bra made by Cacique from Lane Bryant as seen here. Bra6 is amazing, with the ability to be worn 6 different ways and most important the lift and hold of a normal bra. Here is the trick to wearing it. Don't try to put it on like a normal bra, put it on like you would a t-shit arms first and slip it over your head then shove those babies in. Because of the back panel having two side closures its so much easier to put it on and adjust that way.

So I suggest if you aren't already wearing the right bra go soon...LIKE NOW...well after you are done reading...get fitted and see how amazing a good bra feels.

So now on to my FAVE undergarment!!

This right here is my all time favorite piece of slim wear

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What is this you say?? SLIM COGNITO that's what!!

The best 76 bucks I have ever spent. I know that seems like a alot but you can not go wrong with it. Spanx labels this with super duper hold. HA HA perhaps that is why I love it so. But really its amazing, I probably wear it with 90 percent of my outfits. It smooths and holds and lifts my booty. I don't wear the silly bra strap things, I don't feel there is a need to with a good pull it doesn't roll down at all or roll up at the knees even better. It comes in sizes Small-3x it can be purchased online through or in certain stores as well as online through Lane Bryant for my plus size ladies.

There are so many different options for slim wear that range from light hold to my oh so favorite super duper hold. Find what is comfortable for you and makes you feel FAB!!

Have a wonderful day and don't forget...BRA FITTING!!

Much love,


Monday, December 26, 2011

Baby steps

Follow Me on Pinterest Pin It Merry belated Christmas!!

I have to say it was the first holiday in years I was filled with so much happiness, I think it's because it was simple. Too be honest we all stayed in our Jammie's yesterday while our family filtered in and out. It was just so relaxing almost too relaxing, my mind is not used to that lol perhaps we should practice that again soooooon. All in all just a happy day.


I am writting with a confession. It's not easy for me to be candid about this but I think you all need to know where my struggles came in this weekend.

All of my family are total goobers like myself so we decided to rip open the new Michael Jackson dance experience I got in my stocking and have a battle. I was kicking some major bootie, that's right I got moves like Jagger. It was a total blast, my Mom was doing some serious crazy knee moves and my nephew was working his swagger, I think he has a secret stash with a red leather jacket and white glove! He rocked it!! In the spirit of laughter and fun, a video was posted onto Facebook. Now everyone thought it was great, but all I felt, was gross. I could feel myself slipping back into my previous mindset. I watched it like twenty times, each time picking out "gross" things about myself. I did everything in my power to make myself ignore it and just accept the fun that we had. Don't worry about the jiggle, no one is paying attention to the dimples I repeated over and over in my head but I just couldn't let it go. I asked for it to be removed and of course it was.

I was really upset with myself, I vented to my gorgeous girlfriend Caitlin and then got to Skype with my beautiful friend Dani, I told them what was going on in my head and they both said immediatly said write about it. Be truthful, be yourself. That's exactly what I needed to hear.

Body acceptance and self love isn't easy when for so many years it was hate. We are our own worst critics, but by being honest with the process it will get easier. I'm not going to give this up!!

I woke up this morning feeling so much better, I woke up with outfit ideas in my head for this weeks OOTW, where I want this blog to go and most importantly how I want to feel.

I hoping all of you had a blessed holiday, I am excited what the New Year has in store, and in store hehehehe...Nothing makes me feel better than a little retail therapy...Oh Yah!!!

Much love,


P.S I totally forgot to mention that Lane Bryant is having their annual Buy 2 get 2 bras free sale!!!! Best sale of the year IMO!!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Outfit Of The Week

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So for my first OOTW, I am pulling from my archives, This outfit I wore back in September for my Besties Bachelorette party. I wanted something sexy, sassy and comfortable. I had an idea in my head of exactly what I wanted and pulled pieces from different stores and VIOLA!!

I apologize for the cell phone snapshot. I promise better shots from here on out. But..I JUST LOVE THIS OUTFIT!!!

Outfit Details:

I found the jeggings at Avenue for only 10 bucks! They fit like a dream so I had to buy more than one pair. Its rare to find jeggings that actually fit me in all the right places, not saggy in the ankles or behind the knees.

The top I assume was meant to be a dress but THAT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!! It is from Dots and only $22 and with a few minor adjustments (I had to remove the so-called bra padding my ladies are not shaped like a chicken cutlets so they had to go) and it fit just right.

My favorite Shoes ever which will probably be making numerous appearances, peep toe bootie heels from Lane Bryant I paid around $40 for them. I got them last season and they are so comfortable. They have  edgy grommet detailing on the heel of the shoe to add just enough "rock and roll" look.

Now my FAVORITE piece of all is the cropped "leather" bomber jacket. The jacket which I searched high and low for is also from Dots and get this paid $28!!

All my jewels are mixed pieces that I have gathered over the years. As always my Pandora bracelet, and a few bangles that I probably paid less than $5 for 20. My signature hoops earrings a little extra eyeliner and I was ready!!!

It was an amazing night out with amazing women while feeling totally confident!!

As you go out this weekend and enjoy your families make sure you take an extra step to make your self feel beautiful, add a little gloss, blow dry your hair and throw on something that makes you feel gorgeous. Just remember there is nothing more beautiful than a confident smile!!

Much love,


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hello Ladies!!

Follow Me on Pinterest Pin It I have been thinking about writing a blog for years, So here I go I am FINALLY doing it!!

I am coming here with so many ideas but my main focus is acceptance. I want all of us ladies to start accepting ourselves. So much time we spend hating on what we see in the mirror, the clothes we wear, our hair, our makeup or lack of, the sagging in our breasts, the folds of our skin, the microscopic lines you think are forming around your eyes, or whatever else negative image you have formed in that brain of yours...


We need to stop with this self hate and learn to accept what we have been blessed with. That's right girl I am saying this size 24/26 bootie is a BLESSING!!

Now hold up don't roll your eyes, I know exactly what you are thinking, isn't this the girl who is the first to crack a joke about herself? Isn't this the girl who used to complain and whine about her appearance. You are right but that is the old me I am going to learn to push those insecurities away. I am on a movement, a movement of strength. Gone are the days of self hate. I would love to see you feel the same!

So when you see new posts, what you will find will range from outfit ideas, favorite trends, deals and steals at my favorite store and positive uplifting words to inspire us all to love ourselves.

Every week I am going to post an OOTW (outfit of the week) and GASP*** its going to be a full length shot!

That's right ladies I'm gonna bear it all not just a picture of the shoulders up! What inspired me to do this is an amazing woman Jessica Kane of she is a leader in the plus size community. She started the full body photo project on her site and it has formed an amazing support group with thousands of women showing off their amazing selves in full photo form! Beautiful women showing it all heads, shoulders, knees and toes!!

I look forward to sharing with all of you and I want to hear feedback, I want to hear your stories too!

