Thursday, November 14, 2013

Its TIME to come clean

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Its been way to long since I've written. A lot of people have asked me where I have been and why I stopped writing. Well the truth is...I WAS LYING.

WHAT? What do you mean?

I was lying to myself. I was not loving life in the plus lane.  I was miserable. I was trying to convince myself that I was OK where I was in life and what I looked like. It couldn't have been any farther from the truth.  I am going to fill you in on where life has taken me since March of 2012. Keep reading I promise its filled with honesty and love.

In March of 2012 I knew I needed change and I knew my family deserved the best from me.  I started following the South Beach diet March 21, 2012. To much criticism I stayed on phase 1 of the diet for many months. At a year I was down 90 lbs.

I had bouts of exercise but nothing significant until February of this year. For me getting my emotional eating under control was my biggest challenge gaining a will power that I never had before was my goal then I slowly saw a decrease in my weight loss.  My hubs and I came back from an anniversary cruise and I was determined to lose the rest of this weight someway somehow so I went on a 30 day rehab. I began to follow the program Whole30  on Feb 1st, which was incredibly hard but it was so worth it. Fast forward a minute that's where I am today. I eat clean, low carb and I count macros but that's a whole other blog in itself.

During that I realized how much my body really wanted me to move so I started the couch to 5k program after deciding late one night in March   I was  going to be able to run a 5k on my 31st birthday which was in September . I signed up for The Color Run in NYC which happen to fall exactly on my birthday, so I joined the YMCA and started running...excuse me gasping for air at 60 seconds and crying till the end. The first week was absolute hell. My knees, my feet, my back were dying and I was only running at 60 second intervals. All I kept thinking was I ever going to be fit? Have I let myself go too far past ever being athletic? I kept going and I made it to week 4. I was running!!! I took two weeks off during a vacation and totally regretted not continuing so I started it right back up with a friend and we were off like turtles in a river of peanut butter but we were moving!!! I  added spin class and was feeling more endurance each day. It still wasn't enough.

Til the the best thing happened to me!!! One day in April while treating myself to a day at the salon...Kellie Palmer walked into my life. Who is she? At the time she was just a super fit Mom who let me hold her beautiful baby girl while she was getting her haircut, we started talking and she revealed that she was a personal trainer at a cross-fit box down the road LenCo Fitness. In my head I was like OMG she was sent to me. (I had been contemplating a personal trainer for many months but felt very uncomfortable at my YMCA just running never mind with a trainer). I took her number and we met a couple of days later. Instantly I knew she was for me. We clicked and she has been kicking my butt since. I gained a level of strength and confidence I never knew I had in me and it was all from her dedication and my hard work. She truly is amazing at her craft and by that her meticulous devilish planning of training. She loves what she does and it reflects on her clients cause I seriously love working hard and that's something she developed in me.

I then went and signed up for my second 5k (before even completing my 1st) but this time I chose something WAY out of my comfort zone. I chose the Warrior Dash. Excuse me muddy what? Yeah that's right. Princess over here decided she wanted to do an obstacle course in mud while running. WHO HAVE I BECOME?? Well we trained and we trained hard and from that I did it. I FINISHED BOTH. It was the most accomplishing feeling ever. I definitely cried for a couple days after.

So then I needed more. What else could I challenge myself to? Well that was quickly answered one late night on Facebook when Krystle from Skinny Jeans Dreams posted is anyone up for a 10 week challenge...OHHHH pick me pick me I screamed at my computer. So there I was signing up for another challenge to keep me motivated. What was the challenge? It is T25 with the crazy fit guy Shaun T from Insanity...YEAH HIM...10 weeks of 25 minutes a day of high interval training, no breaks, no stopping just complete focus on your workouts. With that part of the challenge is to drink Shakeology once a day. What is it? Its a complete meal replacement. Probably the healthiest meal you will ever consume. Its not a protein drink but a completely fruit, veggie, antioxidant, vitamin loaded drink that can replace a meal or be used as a pre or post workout drink, I can't say enough about this stuff its truly amazing. Its filling, gives you energy, nice hair, nails...I could go on and on, if you want more information on it message me on my Facebook page and Ill be glad to help you out...Anyways I am 7 weeks into this challenge and I love every minute of it, its pushed me past my plateau and held me seriously accountable for my food intake. Getting thru 25 minutes a day is nothing when you've been on a path of struggle. I still workout 2xs a week with Kellie and by just adding in this program the amount of endurance I've gained is incredible. I truly feel like I can say I will become athletic. Who would have thought?

So that long story brings me to TODAY. I am a healthier 118 lbs lighter but worlds stronger person. I have decided that I want to become a nutrition specialist to help and inspire those who are seeking. I want to live the rest of my life with this passion in me and no longer lie to myself or anyone else about who I really am. I still love clothes and I know at my frame of 5'10 I will always be considered plus size. I currently wear a solid 18. I am 52 lbs away from my Dr's goal and 70 from my own. I look back and wish I blogged this all along but I needed to find myself, but I am ready and nothing is going to hold me back anymore.

 So now I can truthfully say. I am LOVING LIFE IN THE PLUS LANE!!!


  1. Youre truly an inspiration! I look forward to reading your blog ;)

  2. Way to go muddy Princess!! Find a good school for the nutrition thing, and start drawing those fancy plus size clothes I know you can do.

  3. I cried the whole time reading this, what an inspiration you truly are, I remember running into you at Lane Bryant in 2011, I was an 18 then now a 20 and I remember you calling out to the women the size you needed in something you wanted to try on, I don't think you realize this but the amount of confidence you have is AMAZING!!, you made me feel like a thousand buck's, I didn't know how you did it, I was in a small size then you and not by much but you seemed to just Love your self no matter what size you where,that day change me, Not because of the way I felt about myself but the way you felt about yourself, I'm so very,very hard on myself and I can't to this day still look in a mirror when undressing..You on the other hand were all about the fashion and seemed to me like a confident, girl who didn't let society change her.Your such a Beautiful person from the inside shining on the outside, I need to feel this way and I don't, I try everyday but I'm stuck and you have given me a push,it may be small to you, but what you have done here is Huge to me! so Thank you from the bottom of my heart <3 Thank you :)

    1. Shana!!! Thank you! It is hard to accept ourselves for who we are. I can probably guarantee that there is something inside of you that knows you are beautiful and knows that you deserve the best you! Start small appreciate the little things and then it slowly grows for you to change the things that really bother you. There's nothing more liberating then believing in yourself. You are beautiful!!! Thank you for your support and encouragement!
