There were so many years I would make the resolution of I am going to lose 100lbs this year. I will do it. I have to do it. I'll find love if I do it. I will be able to love myself when it does happen.
One year my friend and I even made a vow on a bible (like totally wrote on the inside cover with our oaths hahaha) vowing we were going to the gym 7 days a week. Eating nothing but meat and cheese aka Atkins and push towards what the Atkins author wrote as a NWOL a New Way Of Life. It started off good, we passed the nauseating two week period surviving on eggs, chicken and lettuce that's what our minimum wage salary could allow. We DROVE the one mile to the gym, pretended we knew what we were doing. Walked the treadmill and lifted a few weights at my Aunt's studio after it had closed because HELLO who wants to work out when there are a ton of fit people around?? LOL!! Well it didn't last too long lets say ummm til February. Then I was back to hating my body again along with praying to God that this fat joke was over. I Came out even madder at myself for failing...ONCE AGAIN. That was 2002, the end of believing in New Years Resolutions.
Sure of course I have had goals in between, but they weren't for me. After the marriage to the most wonderful man in 2003 and the births of our daughters in 03 and 05 my goals revolved around their success. I put myself in the background and took on everyones needs but my own, which does not lead to a happy wife or mother. I was so slumped in a depression and couldn't stand to even look at myself in the mirror. My husband could not understand how I was unable to see what he saw when he looked at me.
Then something clicked* slowly and surely I came around to a normal frame of mind, with the love and guidance of my hubby, true family that believed in me and the hearts of my amazing girlfriends. I learned to believe in myself. Its amazing how much love you can put out towards others when you feel so good inside!!
I started Weight Watchers in October, I have lost 20 lbs since inception, I have had slip ups but the most important thing I have learned is to just pick up where I have left off. My goal this time is not to be Kate Moss, but to be healthy for life. Choosing healthier foods, moving more and most importantly loving myself and embracing life in the now.
I will be starting my New Year with resolutions for the first time in 10 years. Not unreachable ones but obtainable goals that will better my life. Our family has a lot of changes this year ahead and with the chaos of raising two young girls, working full-time, being a wife and supporter to my husband and his new business. I am setting a goal...right here and now.
I will not lose myself. I will make time for me, I will allow myself to have selfish moments. I will accept any failures and push forward with a positive heart. I will continue to strive towards self love and body acceptance.
I am asking all of you out there reading to send me some feedback. I want to hear about your goals, dreams and resolutions or your standpoint on New Years resolutions. If you do not want to publicly post a comment here, feel free to email me at
I look forward to sharing this journey with you all and hearing all about yours.
Much Love,
P.S. Be on the lookout for OOTW...Its a good one!!
I'm there with you on resolutions. Who really ever keeps them once they are made? Surely not me. This year my weight loss resolution is to set a goal for myself monthly. To set them for the year is unrealistic and let's face it, I will just get discouraged. Instead of saying "I'm going to lose X amount of weight this year!" I'm going to say "I'm going to try to lose 10lbs this month!" If I do that, I'll set another goal for February and so on and so forth. Fingers crossed!
ReplyDeleteI think thats awesome!! I know you are going to do amazing!! You already are!!
ReplyDeleteYou know I think we all have hopes and dreams!! I guess my new years resolution is to loss the weight to we know how hard it can be!! The sec is to con taking care of whT I need I have got the self confadect back and know I can keep it!! The last one is to get a place with one of my really good friends out here and kind of get out on our own!! Thanks for sharing you know this helps sometimes! love and miss you hun!!!
ReplyDeleteMy goal is to never lose sight of who I am as a person. I always let my weight define me as a person and I refuse to let myself do that this year or ever again. I will try to eat better and be HEALTHY but fixating on my weight will just drive me crazy. Instead I will wear clothes that flatter me and make me feel good.I plan to be more positive so that that positivity will transfer into my nursing classes. Weight will not control my thoughts or feelings.
ReplyDeleteI hope. <3 let's do it 2012
Jenny I think those are some great goals!! I miss you too!!
ReplyDeleteCatherine, girl I love you and your motivation!! You are really an inspiring woman!! I love you!
So, last years wasn't a resolution really.. but a hmmm i wonder what it's like to be "somewhat" organized... and so with that i started keeping a day planner and a check book.. and now i feel as though i don't know what i would do without it! This year.. i'm going to try and bring back snail mail.. sending notes and birthday cards in the mail.. I truly admire my sister and aunt who have always sent out thank you notes.. happy birthday notes.. and holiday cards.. :)
ReplyDeleteCoco thats a great idea!! i cant wait to receive some!!
ReplyDeleteLauren, you are a true inspiration to me, I need to think about my health and make it a priority, reading your blog has really helped me. You are a wise and wonderful woman
ReplyDelete<3 thank you so much!!
ReplyDeleteHello I love this blog you know i never felt sorry formyself at all with cetain cituations that have happened in my life which most of my family knows what has happened little do we know in life we ask why me and i have bottled up alot of things so im gonna share because i think it's apart of what i am feeling in life i am depressed, cry all the time and have a very low opion of myself this used to not be me i was sugested by a family member to go to theropy so i did they gave me meds and sent me to AMAC(adults molested as childern) saying since i have kept this in so long now its affecting me the meds one day all of a sudden clicked in my head and next thing u know i started this deppression situation i stopped meds that made me a zombie both kids are out of the house and everyone says emty nest sysndrome plus the fact i busted my arm had to have a replacement piece put in and now my hubby has to do all plus work i need inspiration i need motivation i need to love myself again and i dont think anyone understands me at all i like some helpful suggestions please ty lots of love ....patapuss
ReplyDeleteI want to first start by saying Thank you. Thank you for being so honest. There comes a times in life where we have to face our demons and kick ass to whats holding us back.
ReplyDeleteI believe in you, I know you can be the best person you can be.
Take time for yourself. Talk 5 min walks around the neighborhood. Find a friend who can relate to you, go out for coffee and talk.
The number one thing I would suggest is allow yourself to cry, allow yourself to deal in the now and then breathe. That part of your life is over. You no longer have to live it anymore.
Find something you love and do it. It can be anything scrapbooking, knitting, sewing. Learning to enjoy small things in life can be really helpful towards healing.
I look forward to hearing about your changes and learning to love yourself. You are a wonderful person!!
You are so right. When you go to the gyms there are more fit people than fat people! I should open a club here in Vegas and have one side designated for plus size peeps and the other side for fit peeps! It would sure make the plus size more comfortable!
ReplyDeleteLove you new blogs Lauren Michelle!!!! XOXO
Thank you mary!! Is there a curves out there? I know they are usually really awesome about encouragement and usually its women just like us!!