I would stand for hours in front of her dresser going through her jewelry boxes, draws, closets, racks and racks of shoes. I would try on everything, mix and match outfits for her and throw together my best Cyndi Lauper look.
Meanwhile...She always looked like she was straight out of Cosmo. Perfect slim leg fitted jeans paired with an elongated leather belt adorned with an oversized brass buckle that she so perfectly looped, a blazer with fitted darting in just the right places, accompanying an over sized white collard blouse pleated to a dream. For the next outing she would switch the blazer and jeans out for leggings while taking the same belt, placing it over the blouse letting it loosely hang on her size 4 hips. I took careful inventory of her things. I knew just about every piece of her wardrobe (after all it was going to be mine someday).
This was during the 80's and like most young families we were sruggling. So what did she do to find such style on NO budget? She would thumb through Cosmo and other popular magazines, cut out the pictures and sew them herself!! Seriously amazing what she could do with a sewing machine and an idea. Starting off with just a mere photo she would create her own patterns, hide in her sewing room and come out with looking like it was born for the runways of Milan.
Enamored by her sense of creativity, and taste for fashion, I dreamed of being such when I as "OLD" as her. Now here I am the same age, although not able to fit in her vintage; I am seeing where my passion lies. Fashion.
For christmas a dear friend of mine, sent me a package. In the package was a thick sketchbook and colored pencils. No note, no letter, just a small card with simple writing. To the Richmond's. Love, Kris. My girls asked if it was for them, no I said its for me. What are you going to do with it they laughed. I said exactly what Kris wants me to do...Follow my dreams.
In this book kept near my bed atop a shelf, is the neatly aligned 36 pigmented pencils, crisp pages slowly being filled and the Christmas card from a woman who puts its into perspective its as easy as a piece of paper and a dream. I am now doing as my mother does bringing shapes into forms and forms into designs. While these designs may never hit the runway, I hope they make it to my mothers needles. I can hear the spinning of her machine wheel and smell the fresh cut threads, I picture the tiny hands finishing the buttons and the smile of anticipation as the fabric graces my skin. I hope to soon share with you these things but for now, I write and color.
As always Much Love,
Good luck on your new adventure!
ReplyDeleteDreams can become a reality as you have accomplished many of those dreams already, daughter dear. I love you and thank you for appreciating all of those long forgotten memories of me sewing away but not of those when you made the long list of what style clothing you wanted to wear and how where we going to make them. I tried to stay up to fashion and make you things that even your worst enemies would ask you if your mom could make these outfits for them as well. I was never a size 4 but thanks for all of your lovely compliments. Pursue your dreams as we only have today and to many yesterdays....
ReplyDeleteThanks Mama! Yes you were a size 4! I remember!
ReplyDeleteYou're an amazing person and I hope people who read this learn no matter what size you are, if you don't love yourself no one will love you. Work it, own it and be confident. People are more attracted to confidence rather than beauty. Those who are all about looks are the most insecure people out there. Lauren you're beautiful. You do the damn thing girl! Keep coming to Avenue to see me! :D Glad I met you babycakes, you're an awesome person.
ReplyDeleteMuch love
Thank you Alison!! You are def an inspiration, you and your gorgeous self! Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with me so candidly. Its really got my wheels a spinning!! Much love!!